Air Camp Gathering/CORE

Past Fellows Event

The Air Camp Gathering/ CORE is a Reunion of the San Francisco based performance company CORE (1993- 1998)- with Jules Beckman, Jess Curtis, Keith Hennessy, Stanya Kahn, Stephanie Maher and co-conspirators. This gathering is a reunion after not all being in the same room for twenty years — and we invite you all to join. There will be a week-long wending through workshops, films, drumming, songs, concerts, archiving, alchemy, lectures, discussions, casual walks, sewing circles, and ritual settings for our futures.

When July 2 – 9, 2020
What Performance
Where Ponderosa
Stolzenhagen, 16248 Lunow-Stolzenhagen, Germany
Ponderosa, Stolzenhagen, 16248 Lunow-Stolzenhagen, Germany
Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art – performance

Keith Hennessy

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art – performance
Region: San Francisco, CA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2006, 2009, 2014